Intro Lesson 1: Course Introduction and Explanation
Intro Lesson 2: Course Curriculum
Module 1: Calculating Medication Dosages
Lesson 1-A: Calculating Medication Dosages - Objectives and Outline
Lesson 1-B: Define Common Abbreviation Symbols Used to Communicate Medication Orders
Lesson 1-C: Practice Application of Abbreviations I
Lesson 1-D: Practice Application of Abbreviations II
Lesson 1-E: Review Basic Math Skills
Lesson 1-F: Rounding Policy
Lesson 1-G: Review Metric System
Lesson 1-H: Military Time I
Lesson 1-I: Military Time II
Lesson 1-J: Review Apothecary System
Lesson 1-K: Essential Mathematics
Lesson 1-L: Review Household System
Lesson 1-M: Roman Numerals
Lesson 1-N: Conversion Between Systems
Lesson 1-O: Table of Approximate Equivalents
Application of Approximate Equivalents. ANSWER KEY
Lesson 1-P: Calculation of Medication Dosages
Lesson 1-Q: Dimensional Analysis
Lesson 1-R: Equivalents
Lesson 1-S: Practice Problems 1
Lesson 1-T: Practice Problems 2
Module 1-U: Review - A Look at this Module's Discussion
Module 2: Fundamentals of Pharmacology
Lesson 2-A: Fundamentals of Pharmacology - Objectives and Outline
Lesson 2-B: Describe the Use of the Nursing Process as it Relates to Medication Administration
Lesson 2-C: Explain Commonly Used Terms Used to Describe Drug Properties
Lesson 2-D: Define Common Terminology Associated with Medication Administration
Lesson 2-E: Discuss the Qualities of an Ideal Drug
Lesson 2-F: Give Three Examples of Drug Sources-We Give You 6...
Lesson 2-G: Explain Drug Nomenclature
Lesson 2-H: Recognize Sources of Drug Information and Identify Accuracy of Each Source
Lesson 2-I: Restate the Purpose of Federal Legislation and Standards Regarding Medication Testing
Lesson 2-J: Discuss Cultural and Lifespan Considerations Related to Medication Therapy
Module 2-L: Pharmacology Test Questions
Module 3: Peripheral Nervous System Drugs
Lesson 3-A: Peripheral Nervous System Drugs - Objectives and Outline
Lesson 3-B: Briefly Review the Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System
Lesson 3-C: Restate the Functions, Regulations, and Transmission of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System
Lesson 3-D: Describe the Prototype Adrenergic Drug: Epinephrine
Lesson 3-E: Identify Adrenergic Agonists, Their Actions, Uses, Contraindications, Side Effects, Nursing Implications, and Patient Education
Lesson 3-F: Discuss Adrenergic Antagonists Including Alpha 1, Alpha 2, Beta 1, Beta 2, and Non-Selective Blockers
Lesson 3-G: Discuss the Cholinergic Agonists, Their Actions, Uses, Contraindications, Side Effects, Nursing Implications, and Patient Education
Lesson 3-H: Identify and Explain Cholinergic Antagonists (Blockers)
Module 3-I: A Review of Our Discussion So Far
Module 4: Cardiovascular Drugs - Part 1
Lesson 4-A: Cardiovascular Drugs - Part 1 - Objectives and Outline
Lesson 4-B: Briefly Review the Anatomy and Physiology of the Heart
Lesson 4-C: Identify and Describe the Action, Side Effects, Contraindications, Nursing Implications, and Patient Education of Drugs Used to Treat a Client With Congestive Heart Failure
Lesson 4-D: Describe the Action, Side Effects, Contraindications, Nursing Implications, and Patient Education of Drugs Used to Treat a Client With Angina
Lesson 4-E: Identify and Describe the Actions, Uses, Contraindications, Side Effects, Nursing Implications, and Patient Education Used to Treat a Client With Hypertension
Module 4-F: A Look at What We Discussed So Far...
Module 5: Cardiovascular Drugs - Part 2
Lesson 5-A: Cardiovascular Drugs - Part 2 - Objectives and Outline
Lesson 5-B: Review Cardiac Conduction, Circulation, and Dysrhythmias
Lesson 5-C: Discuss the Uses, Actions, Contraindications, Side Effects, Nursing Implications, and Patient Education for Antidysrhythmics According to the Vaughan Williams Classification System
Lesson 5-D: Review the Physiology of Coagulation
Lesson 5-F: Describe Anticoagulant Agents and Their Route of Administration
Lesson 5-G: Discuss Thrombolytic Therapy and How it Differs from Anticoagulant Therapy